How Often Should I Clean My Suit?

How Often Should I Clean My Suit?

Find out WHEN, WHY, WHATWHERE, and HOW, when it comes to taking care of your garments in our brief guide below:

When should I dry-clean my suit?

Although many suits are dry clean only with the exception of a few machine washable garments, the biggest mistake we can make is to dry clean our suits too regularly. Instead, our recommendation for dry cleaning is to only clean garments if you sweat through them, see dirt/stains, or they smell bad. 

Why is it bad to dry clean my suit?

It is never such a good idea to dry clean any garment too frequently, let alone your favorite suit. In the dry cleaning process, the number of chemicals used can hurt your suit more than they can help it in the long term. The chemicals in the wash simply remove layer after layer of the garment with each clean—slowly and slowly weakening the fibers. This is especially noticeable on natural fabrics such as wools and linens. Polyester, on the other hand, leaves a soft luster on the fabric.

What is a better alternative?

Steaming and ironing is a great alternative to dry cleaning. However, you must follow these steps carefully: when ironing your garment, place a pressing cloth—preferably cotton—between the iron and the item you are ironing. If you burn your garment it will leave a sheen on the fabric, so this helps prevent that. If you lucky own a Teflon foot iron, just stretch a cover over it, and you won't have to worry about this step. 
Ideally, steam your suit before each wear to bring back its shape. Anatoly's insider tip: the next time you go for a hot shower, bring your suit into the room and just let it hang. The steam will take care of any wrinkles and bring back its natural look.

Where and How should I store my suit?

After you're done wearing your suit, you should always hang it properly. This ensures that your pants are hanging crease-to-crease. The jacket is put on a wide-shoulder hanger, and nothing is zipped or buttoned. Throwing your suit on the ground or in a small tight space ruins the hang of your suit. 
If you have seasonal garments that you wear occasionally, here are some additional steps. Place your garment in a garment bag to avoid dirt or dust, insert cedar hangers or chips to avoid moths, and occasionally take it outside in the sun for a few hours to get rid of any existing moths or smell.

Final Tip 

Try not to wear your garments multiple days in a row. Avoiding this will give your garment the time it needs to come back to its original shape.